Product of the month in March: used instruments

Dear Customers,

This time around, we’d like to direct your attention to our broad selection of used instruments. We regularly buy instruments, which are then cleaned, repaired and sold on. Also, we sell instruments on commission. Each instrument is inspected in our master craftsman’s workshop and only offered for sale once it’s in good playing order.

Currently, we have variously pitched rotary- and piston valve trumpets in stock, as well as a cornet, various trombones, baritone horns and tubas. Chances are we have just what you’re looking for at the right price! Here, you can find all items for sale, complete with pictures and details:

As usual, you can also find our used instruments for sale listed further down in the newsletter. Should you have any questions, need advice or would like to try out an instrument, don’t hesitate to approach us. Even if you can’t find what you’re looking for right now, we’ll be happy to put your name in our database and notify you once we have an instrument coming in that fits the bill.

Best regards,

The Kroning family